Published on by Sugandha

“I need the department A to work in but the chances are I will be getting Department B based upon the performance in the training. Interview was kind of okay but the end I screwed and I am not sure whether I will get the opportunity to work in A. I have a strong approach and I have made use of that. Let’s see what happens.”


The next day another call came that said, “I got the desired department but there was only one opening and the other person who was nominated for it got thrown off. Though he was more suitable based upon performance, I got the department. And now that guy and the other group of people are not talking to me.”


He got what he aspired for, but a certain guilt was eating him up. Whether the guilt was of not getting the department honestly or was it because a desired candidate didn’t get the department; I don’t know. What I know is he is mentally disturbed by all this going on in life. The happiness of getting what he wanted totally vanished even after he got what he wanted. The question is will this achievement, or rather the “so called achievement” keep him happy whole through his life, knowing that someone else totally deserved this place, that he has kicked out someone else’s career for his own. Is this act of referral in its entirety totally justified or is there any way out that people get satisfied with what actually they deserve?


I am not saying that he is wrong. All of us take the help of these references at one point or the other. Desires are much higher than our capabilities. If we start working to the best of our capabilities, may be the referral system can stop and everyone gets what actually they should. May be it can lead to end of the guilt feeling. Or who knows the conscience dies and “sifarish” remains. Depends upon us completely!!

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